This Dab Rig comes with 2 percolators which are, Honeycomb percolator at bottom and Turbine percolator at top.
Turbine percolator is angled slits sit around the main chamber and create a whirlpool with the water that extends into the next chamber, cooling the smoke and diffusing it while showing off your glass.
While, Honeycomb percolators, a type of disc perc, are completely flat and connect one chamber to another like one plate stacked on top of the other. These percolator have a series of small holes reminiscent more of a cheese grater than a honeycomb and sit parallel to the base, shooting the bubbles straight up and into whatever sits on top of it.
These both percolators together filters and cools the smoke and gives really smooth smoke at mouth piece.
This Dab rig can be used with ash catcher too!
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