Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua cigars are a collaboration between Boutique Blends and master blender AJ Fernandez. Boutique Blends’ Quattro line is their most successful project to date. With the addition of Quattro Nicaragua, it’s quickly lining up to be one of the finest offerings in the Aging Room stable. This superlative Nicaraguan puro is manufactured in Nicaragua at AJ’s factory, Tabacalera Fernandez.
Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Concerto is a box-pressed Toro, measuring 6″ x 54. A stunner of a cigar cloaked in a velvety, rich brown wrapper. The binder and filler are also Nicaraguan, but any further details about the blend are kept strictly hush-hush. What won’t be a secret, however, is the ride this cigar will give your taste buds. It begins with notes of chocolate, coffee, red pepper, and earth. Mid smoke, the pepper subsides, and the chocolate and earth notes take center stage. By the end of the smoke, the pepper returns along with a hint of sweet cedar. The fine balance of sweet, spice, and earth notes, along with an ideal burn rate and temperature, all made for a highly pleasurable and harmonious smoke.
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